Find a target group with which you resonate

Instead of making noise, speak from the heart


Before we tell you the secret of how to attract clients with a keen interest in what you do, let's focus on what you do. Let's take a moment to analyse the uniqueness of your brand. Your business is a reflection of you, and that already makes it unique in many ways! The question is, do you see space in your business to express yourself and fulfil your dreams?

At Sky&Sand we are convinced that effective marketing does not require making noise, instead it requires heart and a pinch of creativity. Our proposed approach is to connect rather than convince. It's about pursuing your business goals while at the same time following your heart's creative desires. Let your business reflect the values with which you resonate. Instead of wasting time and energy comparing ourselves to others or engaging in mismatched activities ('because it's trendy now'), let's look for a way of communicating that allows us to authentically express who we are (beyond products and services). When a brand generates a consistent, unique message, it naturally attracts people who stay with us for longer because they share our values.


Think beyond the salesman's perspective


Your business and creative work will be noticed and appreciated when the language of benefits is also the language of the heart. Instead of succumbing to the pressure to be 'salesy' and persuasive, focus on responding to your audience's needs  with the intention of making their lives more comfortable, more beautiful, more enjoyable or simply easier. You need to know that consumers have an extremely acute sixth sense and can perfectly sense the message hidden between the lines. 

Awareness of who our audiences are, combined with empathy, allows us to develop communication and embed the products/services we offer in the context of their everyday lives. This is an absolutely wonderful procedure that makes you more than just a salesman in the eyes of your customers. It allows you to momentarily grab attention and make connections. You reach financial goals as well as added value in terms of loyalty and affection. Sounds nice, doesn't it? This is a natural, unforced approach to communication based on two pillars:


  1. Defining the target group correctly – we give up the desire to convince and please everyone. We focus on identifying people who may be genuinely interested in our offer. The more information we collect, the better!

  2. Empathetic communication that relates to the needs of the target group - i.e. demonstrating/telling the audience how our products/services can change their lives for the better. Which problems will disappear thanks to them?


Sell the problem you solve, not the product you have.


Define the target group


The correct identification of your target translates into the effectiveness of all your marketing activities. This is one of the most important issues in business. When you don't know who you are talking to or misidentify your target audience, your efforts are in vain. You lose time, you lose money, you lose motivation. To avoid this, conduct an investigation and find out who your audience is.


Get to know your customers


Defining the target group is best started by identifying socio-demographic criteria such as age, gender, education, place of residence, having children, interests, etc. Initially, data can be collected intuitively, but later it is a good idea to verify whether our assumptions really coincide with reality – to this end, we carry out decent research and reach for analytical tools.

It is a very good idea to create a brand persona, i.e. to present your brand as a person. This treatment can be described as the personification of the company. For a moment, we step into the role of the writer and describe our protagonist's identity – we give him or her traits, values, a voice, a fictional name, define hobbies, likes and antipathies. This makes it easier to develop communication with the audience later on. The copywriter is given plenty of guidance and can create unique, engaging content.


Where to look for information about the target group?


Social media is the mine of knowledge! We can easily find out what topics are currently top of mind or what is of particular interest to our audience – what do they ask about  in the comments? It is worth joining Facebook groups that bring together users focused on a particular topic. In addition, reviews posted in online shops or activity on various online forums can provide us with interesting information. The direction of the search is specified by the target group. Let's remember that each generation (X, Y, Z, Millenials or Baby Boomers) has different preferences.

We will also find out what our customers like/value by following the activities of our competitors. Let's check what posts get the most interest and not duplicate something that doesn't work. Let's focus on making sure that both form and content are tailored to our audience. 

To sum up, there is a fine principlein marketing that is worth remembering:

People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.


If you feel you need more magic, relationships and messages in your business, get back to us. We love to bring out the potential in brands and optimise operations so that the difference before and after is expressed in the term 'heaven and earth'. We invite you to contact us to build an inspiring story about your brand together 💙